Saturday, March 6, 2010

Take time...

Yesterday we went to Odessa to watch Treg (a freshman) play in a tennis tournament. He is now taller than me, growing into a fine young man. This morning one of the studies I did was on "Quick" how as mom's we hurry our kids - hurry up, come on hurry, stop that come here, we are late! hurry up, hurry, hurry, hurry. ughhhh.... I found this picture of this little boy playing tennis, and I can tell you it brought tears to my eyes. (sorry I don't have a pic of Treg, was in to big of a "hurry" to get to Odessa and forgot my camera!) How has time gone by so fast, how did Treg grow up so fast and not a little boy like this anymore? As I sat in the stands and cheered him on I honestly cannot believe how fast our time with him has gone. I was reminded of going through the high school years with Cortney and Brennon. In watching all the high school girls I was taken back to when Cortney was their age all the fun crazy drama she brought into our lives - Brennon played tennis also and he was so much fun to have around with his sense of humor that could always make me laugh. I wish I would have taken a little more time to enjoy them while I had them all at home.

I went to a funeral this past week of a 92 yr. old precious lady. She was ready to go home to her Lord - the poem "The dash" was read - a good reminder of we are living the dash right now - we do not know how many more days we will have on this earth -

Cancer is robbing a young father of his life and he does not have much time left on this earth with his pretty young wife and 2 precious baby girls, and I can just imagine they are going to be clinging to the memories they have with each other. Oh Father in heaven please comfort and give them strength to get through this time.

Quick - Isaiah 30:19b "How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you."
don't rush through life, but remember that God is God and He is quick to listen, quick to love you, quick to forgive, quick to rescue, quick to rejoice over you -
He has to remind us as His children, to be watch.... He has it under control -
I challenge you today -
take time... if you have little ones at home - don't rush or hurry them - sit down and just see the world through their little eyes - go outside sit, play, listen.....
take time... to give your parents a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and tell them you love them.
take time... to stop and call a lonely widow, or better yet go by and just sit and visit
take time... to tell your spouse you love them -
take time... if your kids are grown and gone just let them know how proud you are of them
take time... to put your "to do list" aside and just be still with God for a moment -
take time... to relish in the moment of today - today is a gift............. your gift from God -
what are you going to do with it?


S,K and I Grose said...

I needed that! Thanks!

Dawn Jenkins said...

I needed that too! It the hardest thing when you are so tired, but I know it is the one thing I don't want to regret. Thanks Paige


Why Christ is my Passion

The more I seek Christ in my walk, the more I find Him -
Psalm 18:1-2
I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
thank u Jesus