I "think" the idea of reading a book on it would be good - being able to just download a book and start it immediately - not having to "wait" until it becomes available at the library, pay late fees, or wait until one of my friends finishes reading it. One friend downloaded a game that is so much fun. I like that the screen is bigger than my phone but smaller and easier to carry around than my laptop. I just don't know -
One thing I am absolutely sure of is my Bible - my Bible is.....well it is very special to me. I have highlights, I have notes written all over it, I have drawn small pictures/images to help me remember. I LOVE the feel of the pages on my fingers - I have tear stained pages...some tears shed because of heart aches some tears were from utter joy of an answered prayer or seeing God work. I am thankful for how far my sweet precious Savior has brought me. It may seem crazy to some people but I truly believe my Bible has memories - an ipad has "memory" but they just aren't the same.
When I read a verse and then read a note I wrote with it I try to remember which preacher, or what Bible study did I get that from - I just love it. At times I cannot tell you what book of the Bible or what chapter, but I can close my eyes and see what side it's on. Funny story - I get up early for my quite time and I do my Bible study. My dogs Lucy Lou and Dexter both or one usually love to curl up with me in the mornings. Last year it had rained and they had come in from outside - "big boy" Dexter - is a big baby and he likes to get right in my face and have me give him love and hugs. I was deep into reading something and he proceeded to come closer - he stepped on a page of my Bible and before I could lift up his paw, I had a light brown stained paw print on a page of my Bible. I didn't think it was funny at the time, but now....well it is a sweet memory every time I come across the slightly crumpled spot that is tinted light brown. What can I say, I love my sweet dogs.
-Ok - now to finish with the tootsie pop owl. I remember him from my childhood, on commercials - yes I am getting old. For some reason I thought of this owl when
I was reading a scripture one day that I had years ago memorized. This time when I read it....a whole new meaning just jumped off the page! I love God's Word!!!! it is....Alive.....Active.....and powerful. I know its crazy, but I do not want to be like the owl and just "bite" right to the center - I want to savor, and have God's Word be new every morning, fresh, and ever changing me each day. I believe our Awesome God planned it that way - to remain humble and always open to learn His Ways daily.
Psalm 119:103 - How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
luv ya, pl
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