Wow look how the time has flown by --- I have had a full plate here lately. We have had a big project going on at work, Pete & Betty 50th Annv., working with LTC, also involved with the summer Walk to Emmaus, started the new Beth Moore Bible study - A heart like His... and lots of other fun stuff - (like my birthday!) - I do pray that in all that this world throws at us that we can in the business & craziness of it all continue to always - always have time for God. My quite time in the morning is so important to me - but I find that I am needing more time, to pray, meditate and be still. I know of some ladies that can go 24/7 and do amazing works - I am not wired that way. I love to be busy, but.....I cherish my quite times and calmness. My one word for the year is "peace" funny how my year is starting out! I need to always remember that the peace I desire is not man made - it is the peace that only can come from God - God living in me.
ok enough about me - the following is from the Bible study we are doing:
the text is 1 Samuel 22 and Psalm 142 - the coolest thing we read the story of David and then we go to the Psalm that he (David) wrote while he was going through the certain event. This was when Saul was chasing David and David hid in the cave of Adullam, (meaning sealed off place).
The Psalm is a prayer of David - the question is asked what did David do when overwhelmed with unfair treatment & difficult circumstances?
1. David prayed - he responded to his difficulty with prayer
2. David cried aloud - cry to God, He can take it.
3. David poured out his complaint to God - He told God his troubles. If we complain to our friends we are a complainer - but, if we pour out our complaints to God, we'll find help. Tell God all your troubles, what's hurting, what's bugging you, joy, gladness, sorrow, bitterness, fear.
Imagine your heart like a pitcher and pour everything in it on God -God is our refuge.
4. David rehearsed his trust in God - Psalm 142:3 says "When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way." Prayer is for our sake as much as it is for God's pleasure.
5. David longed for God's presence - he felt alone - his feelings were not accurate of the truth, but they were worthy to share with God.
6. David confessed his desperate need - David in Psalm 142:6 - he was facing a secret enemy, Saul's men pursued with secret schemes. We also fight an entire assembly of unseen powers - without God and His holy armor we are mud on the bottom of the enemy's boots. Humbly seek God.
I loved the image of pouring our hearts out - so we might be filled with God and have a heart more like His! I drew a picture of a pitcher with a heart on it in my Bible and wrote - pour it all out! Hope you received a blessing from this - I know it came at just a time I needed to hear it.
luv ya, pl
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