In the study book Max makes the point that Jesus sent the disciples out into the storm alone. I had to stop and think about this - I have 2 special friends/family in my life that are in a storm. A storm of watching their mother suffer from cancer. I couldn't help but think of them through this study. Here is a direct quote from the study:
Perhaps you know the angst of being suspended between vs.24 (Matt. 14) and vs. 25. Maybe you're riding a storm, searching the coastline for a light, a glimmer of hope. You know that Jesus knows what you are going through. You know that he's aware of your storm. But as hard as you look to find him, you can't see him. The message? When you can't see him, trust him. The figure you see is not a ghost. The voice you hear is not the wind. Jesus is closer than you've ever dreamed.
I just loved that! Proverbs 3:5 was given and also Psalm 37:5-6 look them up just meditate on them.
Next thought from the study - Faith is often the child of fear. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," Proverbs 9:10. When faced with a choice between the relative safety of his pitching craft and a place at Jesus' side, Peter was ready to take a leap of faith- right over the side of the boat. The study ask the question if the water was calm would Peter have felt the need to walk out to meet Jesus on the water? I had not thought about it until this study but Jesus had to have seen the storm brewing, I wonder if he could see from the mountainside the boat tossing and the waves? I think it is so beautiful to hold on to the fact that while we are going through the storms of life.....Jesus is praying and watching over you.
I have to admit I do not understand why people make the choices they make, why some have hardened their hearts toward others, all the sickness, pain, abuse. But...I am so thankful for the sweet promises of God's Word and I cling to it and beg God to help me to be a servant daily. I know of Moms that because of the bad choices that their kids have made will be going through the holidays without them. It's heartbreaking - I pray that God will pour His love into them and give them a peace. I have to continually tell myself, Isaiah 55:8 - For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
Here is the last quote from the study - it's long but so rich.
We, like Peter, are aware of two facts: We are going down and God is standing up. So we scramble out. We leave behind the Titanic of self-righteousness and stand on the solid path of God's grace.
And, surprisingly, we are able to walk on water. Death is disarmed. Failures are forgivable. Life has real purpose. And God is not only within sight; he is within reach.
With precious, wobbly steps, we draw closer to him. For a season of surprising strength, we stand upon his promises. It doesn't make sense that we are able to do this. We don't claim to be worthy of such an incredible gift. When people ask how in the world we can keep our balance during such stormy times, we don't boast. We don't brag. We point unabashedly to the One who makes it possible. Our eyes are on him.
Is that not the greatest - I pray that through this wonderful season of Christmas that you will each stop and give extra love to others, soak up the precious time with family, don't get caught up in the gifts but instead thank God for the precious gift He gave to us.
luv ya, pl
** I thought I was done until this mornings study - I just have to add this -the view point from the disciples in the boat in fear they saw a light not going over the waves but through them - they cried out in fear - and then heard Jesus say, "Take courage, It is I, don't be afraid." Nothing had changed, the storm still raged...But in the midst of the storm they heard his voice. And, somehow, courage came. The study reminds us that somewhere between fear and faith, we must find courage, and scripture tell us where to find it - Duet. 31:6, Joshua 1:9, Prov. 3:5...ends with this quote straight from study: I saw God. The God who can't sit still when the storm is too strong. The God who lets me get frightened enough to need him and then comes close enough for me to see him. The God who uses my storms as his path to come to me. I saw God. It took a storm for me to see him. But I saw him. And I'll never be the same.
God is so good. -
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